We wanted to share a fantastic opportunity to show your work to our community!
As you may know each Spring RACC holds a Celebration of the Arts, and a huge part of this event is an exhibition of RACC students artwork. We will be showing at our amazing Miller Center for the Arts. And will utilize many new and unique spaces to have our RACC community be able to fully see your work!
You must be a current or recent graduate of RACC to submit to CoA.
This will be a juried show with work selected by The RACC Art Program. There is a loose theme for the show this year: "AI". This theme is incredibly open and loose and can accommodate almost any type of work.
Any work will be accepted for submission and consideration. All submitted work may be 2 or 3 dimensional and ready to hang or display (if sculptural please specify floor area or pedestal needs) at the time of exhibition (2D work does not need to be framed or mounted, but must be cropped and ready for display).
The deadline for this call is April 4, but special consideration will be given to early submissions. The work should be physically available to display from April 7 to May 8 (dates may change)
Each student will be permitted to submit only 5 pieces for inclusion in the show. Not all work will be selected. Any dimensions of work will be considered, but correct displayed measurement must be accurate. Work does not need to be ready to hang to submit here.
The specific dates of the exhibition are to be determined as well as the exact location of the exhibition.
Deadline for submitting work is April 4 at 11pm. Please submit earlier if possible.
If you have questions on the submission guidelines, photographing work or the display of work please email Anthony Vega at avega@racc.edu.
Pleases use the below submission guidelines.
Images should be JPEG format, sized as close to, but no larger than 1280 x 1280 pixels at 72 dpi or better. Images should be clear, focused and cropped to only the work being submitted (face on no angle on the 2 dimensional work, 3 dimension work should show full work no cropping)
All submitted jpeg images of work should be titled in the following way:
first initial+last name_Title (example - avega_Clouds1)
Complete the Work information list dimensions and please also include a very brief background.
Artists will be notified April 3 if selected and drop off of work to RACC and pick up of artwork will be arranged at that time.
If you have any additional questions please email Anthony Vega at avega@racc.edu.
If some of you have difficulty with changing your image resolution for the work you intend to submit for the exhibition.
Here are two sites I quickly found that may help to change the size of your phones images of your work.
The physical (real life) dimensions of the work you submit can be anything, but the digital files that you submit online need to be manageable by the online website and cannot be too big. That is why there are limits.
You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.